Tuesday 12 May 2015

Amie's Adverds Degrees of Comparison

Adverbs- Degrees of Comparison
Adverbs are often used the make the meaning of the verb or other adverb stronger or weaker. This is known as degrees of comparison. There are three degrees of comparison-
- The positive degree  is a positive form of a adverb e.g slowly, early.
- The comparative degree is used to compare two actions e.g slower, more slowly and earlier.
- The superlative degree is used to compare three or more e.g slowest, earliest.

Adverbs of one syllable usually form the comparative by adding -er and form the superlative by adding -est
Hard (positive)
Harder (comparative)
Hardest (superlative)
Adverbs of two syllables or more generally form the comparative by adding 'more' and the superlative by adding 'most'.

-Quickly (positive)
-More quickly (comparative)
-Most quickly (superlative)

But watch out because there are also exceptions-
-Badly:worse (comparative)- worst (superlative)
-Well: better (comparative)- best (superlative)
-Far: farther (comparative)- farthest (superlative) 

By Amie Stratford


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